Zara slept most of the day and still not moving, having to be carried out to go toilet, she still looks like she in la-la land. She still wimping and crying but not as much as the past 24 hours. Dave and I are really tired looking after this little girl.
Missy seem real quiet as well, I guess she misses having Zara following her around all the time and fighting who going to sit in the front seat when we go in the car.
Well, this is just the beginning… I remember that my hubby and I didn’t get much sleep during the first 2 weeks after Jake’s surgery… Seems like most of us have gone through the same thing… Does Zara have enough pain meds or maybe too much? What is she on and what dose? Is she eating and drinking OK? Missy must be wondering what’s going on… Poor baby, she doesn’t understand… But hopefully soon, Zara will start feeling better, wean off her pain meds and start acting like her normal self! 🙂
Angel Jake’s Mom